


发布日期:2019/10/10 17:26:21   作者:汉合有色金属有限公司 



Guangdong HanHe Nonferrous Metals Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer of tin smelting, recycling, Main operation the tin secondary materials of recycling, as well as the primary material smelting. Secondary materials were obtained from domestic suppliers has ended the life of materials, by-products or intermediate products. And our cassiterite from purchasing domestic mines.

    根据 2010 年 7 月 21 日生效的《多德—弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案》第 1502 节规定:“冲突矿物”包括锡石及其衍生物,同时还有其它两种矿物和黄金。公司支持这项法案所要达成的目标,也从 未与刚果民主共和国东部省份有关冲突采矿行业联系,并将认可此项法律对于在美国证券交易所的上市公司所做的相关披露要求。

Section 1502 of the US Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act effective on July 21st 2010 defines ‘Conflict Minerals’ as including ‘cassiterite and its derivatives’ along with two other minerals and gold.  Guangdong HanHe Nonferrous Metals Company Limited generally supports the objectives of this law and has no link between mining and conflict in the eastern Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and recognize the disclosure requirements which this law imposes on SEC reporting companies in the US.

经济合作与发展组织(OECD)和联合国(UN)已经发布了大体相似的指导方针,用于对采购来自冲突 地区和高风险地区的矿物的公司进行尽职调查,联合国发布的指导方针明确提到了刚果民主共和国。方针 鼓励有关公司在建立其尽职调查规程时利用好 OECD 指导,并倡导在负责采购的同时,增加政策灵活性以 便使贸易可以继续进行。

Both the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations (UN) have released broadly similar guidelines for company due diligence on minerals from conflict affected and high risk areas, and in the case of the UN, specifically for the DRC. The OECD guidance encourages companies to draw upon it as they establish their due diligence practices, and the guidance aims to promote responsible sourcing by incorporating the flexibility to allow trade to continue.

公司并不从刚果金或毗邻国家进口锡矿.Our company does not source cassiterite from the DRC or adjoining countries. 我们正在推进无冲突炼厂计划和审计进程,保证锡锭和产品的来源与冲突地区没有任何联系。 We are engaged in the Conflict Free Smelter Programme and participate in auditing processes to provide assurance for our customers that our tin ingot and products are from sources not linked to conflict. 尽管我们并不从刚果金或毗邻国家进口锡石,但我们都可以确保公司内部人员,冶炼厂经理或矿石采 购员等了解美国的“冲突矿物”法。我们同样也让我们的供应商了解了相关标准。Although not sourcing cassiterite from the DRC or adjoining countries, we have made relevant personnel within our company such as smelter managers and mineral purchasers aware of the ‘conflict minerals’ law of the US. We have also made our suppliers aware of these criteria.

此声明从 2017  1 1 日起生效 This statement is effective from January 1, 2017



Guangdong HanHe Nonferrous Metals Co.Ltd


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